★★★★☆ A gifted dancer-choreographer taps into mood and meaning with a stunning troupe of artists
From Massachusetts: Sister Sorry, Regrets Only
★★☆☆☆ Sorry to say, an intriguing true story is fictionalized into something less than intriguing
From Boston: The Tempest, A Perfect Storm and a Perfect John Douglas Thompson
★★★★★ Shakespeare’s all-powerful sorcerer Prospero, driven near-mad, learns the power of redemption on Boston Common
John Cullum, An Accidental Star: Stardom No Accident
★★★★☆ Legendary veteran of Broadway’s Golden Age shares his career highs, though not the lows
Middletown: Those Were the Days? Really?
★★★☆☆ Dan Clancy’s salute to post-WWII Americana is sweet, sentimental, safe—and shallow
Ratatouille: The Rat In The Hat Strikes Back
★★★★☆ The Tik Tok generation cooks up a streaming tribute to a Pixar classic of their youth
This Is Who I Am: A Cup of Flour, a Pinch of Pain
★★★★☆ A father and son prepare a real dish, while they really dish and heal
Taylor Mac’s Holiday Sauce…Pandemic!: ‘Tis The Season To Be Sassy
★★★★☆ A self-described “holiday public access show on LSD” is more sentimental than subversive
Who’s Your Baghdaddy: Going to Iraq and Ruin
★★★☆☆ Post-9/11 satire may or may not be your cuppa joe in the current moment, but streaming staging is something to see
Coastal Elites: Red Meat for Blue Staters
★★★☆☆ Paul Rudnick’s five Trump era monologues on HBO interrupt laughs with rage, and vice versa