Classic Stage offers two Strindberg plays in separate productions, one more august than the other
God Said This: A Kentucky Family Being Unhappy in Its Own Way
★★★☆☆ A gentle new comedy-drama explores mother-daughter-sister relationships
Joan: Dealing Out a Disorderly Deck of Triste and Trite Snapshots
★★☆☆☆ Stephen Belber’s latest drama shuffles through a tiresome heap of cliches
The Convent: Modern-Day Women Go Soul Searching in a Medieval Milieu
★★☆☆☆ Jessica Dickey’s latest play scarcely achieves its intriguing possibilities
Colin Quinn Red State Blue State: Snarking Over America’s States of Disunion
★★★☆☆ A curmudgeonly humorist stands up to gripe about various aspects of our polarized society
About Alice: Calvin Trillin’s Fond Portrait of the Woman He Loved
★★★★☆ A writer provides a tender account of his wife, who did more than merely face up to cancer
LaBute New Theater Festival: A Sharp Playwright Assumes a Gentler Style
★★★☆☆ A trio of new plays presents a Hitler apologist, a bad date, and one self-absorbed heart-breaker
Blue Ridge: A Tedious Journey Through Underdeveloped Territory
★★☆☆☆ Even the typically combustible Marin Ireland can’t strike many sparks from a sparsely dramatized story
The Girl with the Alkaline Eyes: Guys and a Dancing Doll of Futuristic Design
★★★☆☆ The “Be More Chill” choreographer delivers a new dance drama with a vintage story and a modern score
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Typically Tutu Funny to Describe
★★★★☆ The Trocks spin back for the holidays as en pointe entertaining as ever