★★★★★ Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, and a charismatic ensemble leap out of a queer time capsule from 1968
Dance Nation: A Seriocomic Fandango Celebrates Girl Power
★★★★☆ Clare Barron’s unusual new play wildly reflects the mindsets of young teen girls
Light Shining in Buckinghamshire: Lessons on How to Lose a Revolution
★★★☆☆ Writer Caryl Churchill and director Rachel Chavkin deliver a time-melding history lesson at New York Theatre Workshop
Summer and Smoke: Sparks Fly High in a Soulful Romance
★★★★☆ Passionate performances by Marin Ireland and Nathan Darrow ignite Tennessee Williams’ rarely-staged romantic drama
The Iceman Cometh: Denzel Washington Swims Above O’Neill’s Lower Depths
★★★☆☆ Living portraits of riffraff gleam amid an arty Broadway revival of a classic
Saint Joan: Manhattan Theatre Club’s Revival Doesn’t Ring the Bell
★★☆☆☆ A cheerful Condola Rashad confidently portrays Shaw’s saintly warrior as a pleasant peasant
Transfers: Two Bronx Guys Level Their Eyes On a Prize
★★★☆☆ Lucy Thurber’s latest drama contrasts a couple of disadvantaged students who aim for a better life
The Metromaniacs: David Ives’ Latest Shows It’s All in the Rhyming
★★★☆☆ A French antique is smartly refinished by David Ives, but gets tarnished by its express delivery
The Seafarer: Matthew Broderick Plays a Wicked Game of Cards
★★★★☆ A diabolical visitor encounters amazing grace in Conor McPherson’s supernatural Irish drama
Mlima’s Tale: Lynn Nottage Incarnates the Ivory Trade with Cruel Irony
★★★★☆ An imaginative quasi-documentary sees an elephant’s precious tusks pass through a chain of ivory traffickers