★★★★★ Tony Kushner’s American masterwork remains topical, trenchant, and transcendent in this new production.
Frozen: Animated Blockbuster Turns Icebound
★★★☆☆ The stage version of Disney’s screen blockbuster spends a bit too much time in the deep freeze.
Frozen: That Old Disney Magic, This Time on Ice
★★★☆☆ A solid Frozen delivers the key moments and some strong performances, but it never truly lets go.
Escape to Margaritaville: This Concoction Barely Hangs On
★★☆☆☆ The Jimmy Buffett musical, a paean to chilling out, has good songs, a talented cast, and takes itself way too seriously.
Escape to Margaritaville: Jimmy Buffett Makes a Salted Musical
★★★★☆ Director Christopher Ashley lets bookwriters Greg Garcia and Mike O’Malley loose on Parrot Head faves.
Hello, Dolly!: Bernadette Is the Pluperfect Kewpie Dolly
★★★★★ Musical comedy doll Bernadette Peters takes command of Dolly, leaving us prostrate with laughter.
Hello, Dolly!: Bernadette Peters Is A Divine Mrs. Levi
★★★★★ A natural stage animal, Peters makes Dolly her own, emphasizing the widowed matchmaker’s fragility and loneliness.