★★☆☆☆ Chekhov and Shakespeare make a mismatched pair
I Was Most Alive with You: Craig Lucas Unleashes a Tsunami of Sorrows
★★☆☆☆ A woeful drama (in more ways than one) is performed simultaneously in two languages
Wild Abandon: Leenya Rideout Plays, Sings, Talks Show-Biz/Mom Issues
★★★☆☆ The multi-talented performer works instruments and resentments to vigorous effect
A Lovely Sunday For Creve Coeur: Women Of A Certain Time, Alone Together
★★★☆☆ La Femme Theatre Productions offers a fittingly languid revival of a later, lesser-known Tennessee Williams play
A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur: Life Is No Picnic
★★★☆☆ Kristine Nielsen and Annette O’Toole lock horns in a rare revival of an underappreciated Tennessee Williams drama
The True: Behind Every Man, Resilience and Pain
★★★★☆ Edie Falco plays a political survivor, decades before #MeToo, in Sharr White’s moving play.
The True: The Dirty Business of Party Politics
★★★☆☆ Edie Falco stars as the rumor-besieged woman behind the man in Sharr White’s 1977-set political play
The Emperor: The Curious Decline and Fall of Haile Selassie
★★★☆☆ Kathryn Hunter conjures up the hothouse atmosphere of a vanished kingdom
Uncle Vanya: Richard Nelson Goes to Russia
★★★★☆ Richard Nelson brings his signature understated style to Chekhov’s tragicomedy in this debut from the Hunter Theater Project
Uncle Vanya: An Americanization of a Russian Classic
★★★★☆ Richard Nelson’s new version of Chekhov’s intimate classic is artfully understated